jeudi 28 août 2014

                     United States of America

United States of America or the State of America is a constitutional republic and federal (federal) in North America Pttkon of fifty states. America is Talt countries in the world in terms of population. 
America found between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and Bthdha Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska in the north-west of the continent, bordered by Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the text of the Pacific .amrica Pettmtlk land and islands scattered Hawwalin the Caribbean and the Pacific. 
USA is the most powerful nation in history appeared militarily and economically and scientifically. Appeared in America or Attort largest discoveries and inventions Elly Ptnam omitted human naharda uniform Bulb Electrical and Arab and pilots and telephone, television and air-conditioning devices and PC and Pharmaceutical and medical machinery and electronics and the Internet and the needs of Puppets Malhash inventory and America is a country Aktar the world got its citizens to Joayz Nobel in various branches and areas.

Native Americans, including Alaska Natives believed they migrated from Asia to the territory of the United States of about 40,000 and 12,000 years [5]. When the Europeans and the prayers of the Americas died millions of Native Americans from disease epidemics imported uniforms smallpox [6]. Each land Elly Petqal by major United States territory was before this indigenous lands. 
America remained an independent state with the Declaration of Independence on July 4 in 1776 and annexed the Republic of Texas in 1845 and the victory of America in the Mexican-American War flaw waive Mexico for California and a large part of the American Southwest [7] and the Spanish-American War and World War I Ocdo status It is America's global military force 

America's population of 319 467 000, [2] including 11.2 million immigrants legally mesh. Americans are the indigenous peoples inhabiting North America and South America before Christopher Columbus what arrive there. The peoples of the largest Native Americans were the people of Apache 
America's economy capitalist economy Mtkhalt 
Geography and the Environment 

Area of ​​American territory adjacent 2959064 square miles (7663941 km 2) and the total size of the United States society of 3,676,486 square kilometers (9,522,055 km 2) to 3,717,813 square miles (9,629,091 km 2) of 3,794,101 square miles (9,826,676 km 2). [1] and de Bejlliha Talt or fourth largest state by total area (land and Mieh) after Russia, Canada and China

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