vendredi 29 août 2014


China (Simplified Chinese: 中国 Chongwa; Traditional Chinese: 中國), formally known as the People's Republic of China (Simplified Chinese: 中华人民共和国 Zhonghua Renmin Gonghegu; Traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國) is the most populous country in the world with more than 1.338 billion people. Located in East Asia and is governed by the Chinese Communist Party under the one-party system. [9] consists of China, more than 22 provinces, five autonomous regions and four municipalities administered directly (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, two regions of high autonomy [10] namely Hong Kong and Macau . the nation's capital is the city of Beijing. [11] 
Stretches of the country on an area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers (3.7 million square miles), where is the Peoples Republic of China's third or fourth largest of the total area (depending on the definition of what is included in this total), [12] and the second-largest, according to the area of ​​the mainland. [13 ] varied landscape in China between forests and steppes and deserts (the Gobi and Taklamakan) in the dry north near Mongolia and Siberia in Russia and sub-tropical forests in the humid south, near Vietnam, Laos and Burma. Terrain in the West and the rugged and at high altitudes where the Himalayas and the Tian Shan Mountains form the natural border with China, India and Central Asia. In contrast, the eastern coast of the mainland low Odhu 14,500 kilometer long coastline bounded on the southeast by the South China Sea and East China Sea, which is located outside the eastern Taiwan, Korea and Japan. 

Ancient Chinese civilization, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, where it flourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River, which flows through the North China Plain. [14] through more than 6,000 in the political system in China on genetic monarchies (also known as dynasties). The first of these breeds Xia (about 2000 BC), but subsequent Qin Dynasty was the first unified the country in 221 BC. Ended last strains (Qing Dynasty) in 1911 with the founding of the Republic of China by the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Chinese Nationalist Party. The first half of the twentieth century, the fall of the country in a period of disintegration and civil wars that divided the country into two camps, two main political Kuomintang and the Communists. The violence ended the Great in 1949 when the Communists to resolve the civil war and founded the People's Republic of China in mainland China. Transfer KMT capital of his republic to Taipei in Taiwan, where currently limited sovereignty over Taiwan and Kinmen and Matsu Islands several remote. Since then, it has entered the People's Republic of China in political disputes with the Republic of China on the issues of sovereignty, the political status of Taiwan. 
Since the introduction of economic reforms based on market system in 1978, China has become the fastest-growing economies in the world where it became the largest exporter in the world and the second largest importer of goods. China's economy is the second largest economy in the world, [15] in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity. [16] China is a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations. She is also a member of the multilateral organizations, including the WTO, APEC and BRIC and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Group of Twenty. China has a nuclear arsenal is recognized and its army is the largest in the world in service with the second-largest defense budget. China branded a potential superpower by a number of academics, [17] and military analysts [18] and economic analysts, and public policy.

Kitchen [edit] 
Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: Chinese cuisine 

Traditional Chinese food in Tianjin. 
Chinese cuisine kitchen diverse and rich in various forms of cuisine, and this is due to what was widespread among the emperors during the reign of dynasties, where they were staying Banquet huge and offer numerous varieties of food is formed each category, including 100 dish, [210] and the number of chefs skilled and courtesans situated upon himself the preparation of these massive amounts. 
Turned some types of cuisine to become Gmaoua day for the people with the passage of time, and as a result of this opened several restaurants in the major cities and large towns, such as restaurant Fangshan in the park any Hai in Beijing, which was his qualities very similar recipes that are prepared to minors Imperial. [210] considered All varieties of Chinese food, which is today around the world, including the American Chinese food, roots can Tagafiha to the era of the Chinese dynasties. 
Holidays and public holidays [edit] 

Yao Ming. 
Holidays are the days of vacation in all the country, except the regional Hong Kong and Macao enjoying the regime of special and a list of holidays, especially with all of them. 
New Year's Day (the first and the second in January) 
Spring Festival (Festival Lunar New Year) (three days of official circles, and one to two weeks for factories and companies). 
Holiday workers: the first three days of the month of May, and the disruption of some companies and factories until a week on this occasion 
National Day: the first of the month of October, a holiday for three days, and the feast of the triumph of the Communist revolution in 1949 and the declaration of the Republic of China's popular 
And usually what is going to work over the weekend before and after the holiday or in the latter. This pattern of private long holidays compared to holidays in other countries must be taken into account when visiting China for the purpose of business or on a mission. And except holidays mentioned does not go down the pace of work so dramatically during the summer months. 
Sports and creativity [edit] 
Chinese culture is one of the oldest sporting cultures in the world, which extends for several thousand years. There are some effects indicate that some form of football played in China in ancient times. [211] In addition to football, [212] there are some of the most popular sports in the country include martial arts, table tennis, badminton, swimming, basketball and snooker. 
And China also plays in basketball, which has great interest of young people. And cares Chinese youth watching MLS basketball (NBA), and is a player Yao Ming darling of many. China ranked first in the number of gold medals in the Olympic Games last summer, which was held in Beijing from August 8 to August 24 2008. 

Geography and climate 
The topography of China 
The topography of China 
Rice fields in Long Xing 
Rice fields in Long Xing 
Li River in Guangxi 
Li River in Guangxi 
Mount Everest in Tibet 
Mount Everest in Tibet 
South China Sea when Henin 
South China Sea when Henin 
Peoples Republic of China is the second largest country in the world in terms of land area, [13] and is considered the third or fourth with regard to space the college. [90] due uncertainty about the total area of the country for two reasons: first, the health claims of China on the land such as Aksai Chin and routes across the Karakoram (as claimed by India), [91] and the second is how to calculate the total size of the United States, where gives the CIA World Factbook United States space 9.82663 million km 2 (3.79408 million square miles) [92], while you give the Encyclopedia Britannica 9522055 km2 (3676486 sq mi). [93] limiting China's 14 state and thus (along with Russia) more countries borders with other countries; clockwise from south China's neighbors are: Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan [94], Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia and North Korea. In addition lies the border between the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China in the territorial waters. Countries with a land border of China 22.117 km (13.743 miles) and is the longest in the world. 
Varied landscapes in China. In the Middle located along the shores of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, where areas of high population density in the alluvial plains, while on the edges of the Inner Mongolia Plateau in the north can be seen grazing. Southern China is dominated by hills and low mountain ranges. In the east of the center of the country, there are key Delta rivers, China Yellow River and the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). Other major rivers of Shi and the Brahmaputra and the Mekong and other things. To the west lies the major mountain ranges, particularly the Himalayas, where the highest point is located in China in the eastern half of Mount Everest at 8,848 m (29,029 ft), while the high plateaus characterize the natural landscape, such as the arid desert of Taklamakan and Gobi Desert. 
Environment [edit] 

Turbines Raahih in Xinjiang, part of a project which aims to establish a farm Raahih largest in the world in order to provide sustainable energy for the Chinese people. 
Important issues are desertification and the expansion of deserts, particularly the Gobi Desert. [95] Although the presence of a front of trees planted since the seventies of the twentieth century contributed to the decline in the frequency of sandstorms, the drought prolonged and poor agricultural practices have led to dust storms afflicting northern China each spring and spread those sandstorms later to other parts of East Asia, including Korea and Japan. China is losing a million acres (4,000 km 2) annually due to desertification. [96] have become a necessity to control water and soil erosion and pollution control are important issues in China's relations with other countries. The melting of glaciers in the Himalayas could also lead to water shortages for hundreds of millions of people. [97] 
China Etemz climate seasons of drought and wet monsoons, which lead to differences in temperature between winter and summer. Winter brings cold north wind and drought, while in the summer brings southern winds from sea areas warmth and humidity. The climate in China differs from region to region because of the topography of the country's extensive and complex. 
Biodiversity [edit] 

The giant panda. 
China is one of the seventeen countries of high biodiversity, and return it because it is located in two large Ahaaúatin, [98] two old polar region and the region Hindomalaoa or east. Managed to find in the region on the first mammals such as horse and camel and tapir and gerbils, but useful region Hindomalaoa can find objects of lines of rat and cat Nimri Zpapiat bamboo and trees and various types of monkeys. There is some overlap between the two regions due to natural spread of the animals and the migration of some species, as well as there are some species that can be found in both regions and different environmental areas, such as deer, antelope, bears, wolves and pigs and rodents. There is a famous giant panda only in a limited area along the Yangtze River. Still trading in Endangered Species dilemma continues, despite the existence of laws currently prohibit such activities. 
China also contain a variety of forest types. In the north-east and north-west there are mountain forests and coniferous cold and supporting animal species such as the Asiatic black bear and moose along with about 120 species of birds. The coniferous forest is dominated by wet bamboo forests, mainly in low-lying areas, and replace them with shifts at the top of the mountain terraces, and notable trees in areas of high: juniper and Aleo. Spread subtropical forests in central and southern China, which supports nearly 146,000 species of plants. The tropical rainforest and seasonal rainforest albeit limited to the island of Hainan and Yunnan Fathtoa in fact a quarter of the total of plants and animals in China.

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