Germany (German: Deutschland Deutschland this file) (in English: Germany) is a democratic federal republic, and a member of the European Union in its full name: Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland for this file Bondsriboblak Deutschland).
Berlin is the largest city and is the capital and the seat of power. Federal federal political system, and take the form of a parliamentary democratic republican. Germany is divided into sixteen 16 federal region each with its sovereignty and his own local.
Germany is located in Central Europe, bordered to the north: the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea, and from the south: Austria, Switzerland, and the East: Poland, Czech Republic, on the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands.
The area of Germany: 357.021 square kilometers and has a population of 81751602 people, is considered the state's most numerous and densely populated countries in the European Union and is also the third largest state in terms of the number of immigrants it [4].
Germany formed a central part in the Romanian Holy Empire, which lasted until 1806, and during the 16th century northern Germany became the center of the Protestant Reformation. After World War II, Germany was divided into two parts: East Germany and West Germany. The re-unification in 1990, in 1957, West Germany became a founding member of the European Common Market, which became the European Union in 1993. In 1999, the euro became the currency of Germany (German: Euro Aero) has also become one of the European countries belonging to the Schengen agreement allowing residents to European countries belonging to the agreement to move into and out of without a visa and without limits.
Founded Germany social insurance system as a step in a series of measures in order to develop the living standards of its population and its location in the relations of European and maintains strong partnerships at the global level, Germany is the second pilot in the science of medicine, engineering, technology and modern techniques, a member of the United Nations, NATO and the Group of Eight and the Organization for economic Cooperation and Development and is a major economic power, where it is the largest exporter of goods and the second largest importer in the world [5] ..
Transport and Communications
Highways prevalent in Germany and connecting all major cities.
High-speed train between Hamburg and Munich, walks with electricity.
The German economy depends on the availability of rapid transportation network linking all German cities. He began construction of highways in the reign of Hitler in order to speed the movement of military forces and Almusfajat between fronts. No roads in Germany rapid speed limits only in specific areas and can accelerate the car up to 220 kilometers per hour.
In addition, all major cities are connected by train Alvey ultrafast speed of 220 kilometers per hour, and linking small towns with electricity trains traveling at speeds between 120-160 kilometers per hour.
It also exploits waterways widely in German, where there are many rivers east and west and north and south. Successive governments have worked on the expansion in the construction of canals linking the vast rivers each other. And sometimes necessary to build locks between the rivers is different when the high level of the river from the River, and that locks up sometimes to a height of 30 meters. Built as the Kiel Canal in the north of the connection between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea since the late nineteenth century, and is now one of the most busiest waterways in the world by ship.
Civil Aviation available and linking major cities in Germany, and the German air from the highest points in the lower density of aviation as it is central to all international airlines and connects the east and west, north and south.
Largest airports in Germany, Frankfurt airport and take flight between the two cities in Germany more than 45 minutes.
Summit famous «Tsughbetzh» in the Alps.
Elbassand Mountains.
Germany known consciously environmental higher. [43] where most Germans look for the causes of human as an important factor in global warming. [44] The German state has a leading role at the global level in the climate and energy policies where they are committed to the Convention on Kyoto and other treaties many to promote diversity Diversity, low carbon emission standards, recycling, the use of clean renewable energy and efficiency in the use and support sustainable development on a global level. [45]
The German government has embarked on the implementation of large-scale programs to reduce emissions as the country's overall emissions are falling. [46] For example, since 1964, been organizing air pollution legislation in Germany by strict legal. However, rates remain carbon dioxide emissions in Germany per capita is among the highest in the European Union as the largest European economies, and the third in the world, though also remain much lower than those rates in Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia and the United States.
Emissions from utilities that operate coal-burning industries and contribute to air pollution. Acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide emissions, causing damage to the German forests. Has been reduced pollution in the Baltic Sea from raw sewage and industrial effluents from rivers in former East Germany. The government announced under the rule of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's intention to put an end to the use of nuclear energy for electricity production. Germany is working to meet its obligations in the European Union in the areas of preservation of natural reserves and endangered animals in the European Union. Glaciers in Germany in the Alpine region in jeopardy. Natural hazards such as flooding rivers in the spring and stormy winds occurring in all regions.
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