samedi 30 août 2014


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United Mexican States 
(Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos) [1] [2] 
Mexico flag logo Mexico 
Flag logo 
National anthem: the national anthem of Mexico 
Mexico site 
(And largest city) Mexico City 
19 ° 3'N 99 ° 22'E 
Spanish the official language [3] [4] In addition to the 62 local language of the indigenous languages ​​[5] 
Ethnic groups - Mestizo 70% [6] 
- Eggs, 15% [6] 
- Native 9.8% [7] 
- Others 1% [6] 
Naming Mexican population 
Regime constitutional federal republic presidential [8] 
Head of State Enrique Peña Nieto 
Interior Minister Alejandro Bouyeri 
Supreme Court President Juan Silva Meza 
Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Maada 
The legislative authority of Congress 
- The Supreme Council of the Senate 
- The lower house Chamber of Deputies 
Independence from Spain 
- Announced September 16, 1810 
- Acknowledged by September 27, 1821 
TOTAL 1,972,550 km 2 (14) 
761 606 square miles 
Water ratio (%) 2.5 
- Census 2010 112 322 757 [9] (11) 
- Population density of 57 / km 2 (142) 
142 / sq mi 
GDP in 2011 
- Total $ 1.629 trillion [10] (11) 
- $ 15.113 per capita [11] (58) 
GDP (nominal) 2011 
- Total $ 1.041 trillion [10] (13) 
- $ 9.489 per capita [10] (58) 
Gini coefficient (2008) 51.6 [12] (high) 
Human Development Index (2010) Green Arrow Up Darker.svg 0.750 [13] (high) (56) 
Currency Peso (MXN) 
Time Zone (UTC -8 and -6 shown) 
- In the summer (DST) (UTC -7 shown and -5) 
Sir right hand 
Internet code .mx 
International dialing codes 52+ 

United Mexican States (Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos) [14] and is known as Mexico (Spanish: México) [15] is a federal constitutional republic in North America. Bounded on the north United States to the south and the west Pacific and south-east of Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean, and the Middle Gulf of Mexico. [16] outweigh the area of ​​almost two million square kilometers, [2] and is the fifth largest country in the Americas by total area and the thirteenth of between independent states in the world. An estimated population of more than 112 million people [9] making it the eleventh in terms of the global population and the most populous Spanish-speaking countries. Mexico is a federation of 31 states and the federal district, and is the only capital city. 

Matured several cultures and civilizations advanced in Central America, such as pre-Columbian Olmec and Altoltk and Altaoutehoakan and Zapotec and Mayan and Aztec before the first contact with Europeans. In 1521, Spain occupied the land from its base in Mexico City (Tenochtitlan) and managed subsidiary of the Spanish crown on behalf of New Spain. Became the colony eventually Mexico, where independence was recognized in 1821 was characterized by a period of post-independence economic instability and the Mexican-American War and the waiver of land for the benefit of the United States and the civil war and dictatorship empires and local. Last led to the Mexican Revolution in 1910, which culminated with the promulgation of the Constitution in 1917 and the emergence of the current political system in the country. Characterized the presidential election in July 2000 as the first time that an opposition party wins out of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. 

Mexico, one of the largest economies in the world and is considered a regional power and a medium. [17] [18] In addition, Mexico was the first member of Latin America to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (since 1994) and is a country with a higher income than average. [19] Mexico is the new industrial countries [20] [21] [22] [23] and an emerging power. [24] has a nominal GDP thirteenth and atheist ten in terms of purchasing power parity. Linked to its economy strongly its partners in a free trade agreement in North America, especially the United States. [25] [26] occupies Mexico ranked first in the Americas and fifth in the world in terms of the number of World Heritage Sites of UNESCO's 31 locations, [27] [28] [29] in 2007 was the tenth in terms of the number of visitors in the world with 21.4 million international tourists annually. [30]


Topographic map of Mexico 
Mexico is located between latitudes 14 degrees and 33 degrees north latitude, and longitude 86 degrees and 119 degrees west in the southern part of North America. Mexico is located almost in the entire North American plate, with small parts of the peninsula Baja California on cans Pacific and Cocos. Of the geophysical, includes some geographers region east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (around 12% of the total) within Central America. [109] In terms of geopolitical Mexico are regarded as entirely within North America as well as Canada and the United States. [110] 

The area of ​​Mexico 1,972,550 km 2, making it the state fourteenth among countries in the world in terms of total area, and includes approximately 6,000 km2 of islands in the Pacific Ocean (including the island of Guadalupe and remote islands Riviagaguido and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean and the Gulf of California. Extends Mexico along the 3,219 km between the maximum two points north and south. 

Mexico participates in the north up to a length of 3,141 km with the United States. Determine River meanders Bravo del Norte (known as the great river in the United States) border from Ciudad Juarez to the east to the Gulf of Mexico. Identifies a series of natural and synthetic labels US-Mexican border to the west from Ciudad Juarez to the Pacific Ocean. From the south, Mexico owns 871 km from the border with Guatemala and 251 km from the border with Belize. 

Cleaves Mexico from north to south Jblitan Tarafan Two series on behalf of the Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Bank and are an extension of the Rocky Mountains from northern North America. The center in east-west direction is thus the country through the Mexican Volcanic Belt also known as the Sierra Nevada. While stretching is the fourth mountain range Sierra Madre South of Michoacan to Oaxaca. [111] 

The vast majority of the Mexican territory of Central and Northern at high altitudes, and the highest elevations in the belt of volcanic across Mexico: Pico de Orizaba (5,700 m) and Popocatepetl (5462 m) and Azataksehuatel (5286 m) and Nevado de Toluca (4577 m). There are three major urban agglomerations in the valleys between these four elevations: Toluca and Mexico City and Puebla major. [111] 

Climate [edit] 

Baja California desert 

Ayla Bay. 
Tropic of Cancer divides the country into temperate regions and tropical. Live land north of latitude 24 cool temperatures during the winter months. While land south of latitude 24 test temperatures relatively constant throughout the year and differ only by the altitude. Mexico makes it one of the most diverse weather systems in the world. 

Possesses the areas south of Latitude 24 elevations of up to 1,000 meters (the southern parts of both coastal plains and the Yucatan Peninsula) average annual temperature at 24-28 degrees Celsius. Temperatures here remain high throughout the year, where the difference between the average summer and winter is only 5 degrees Celsius. Each suffers from Mexico coastline east and west with the exception of the southern coast of the Bay of Campeche and northern Baja from serious hurricanes during the summer and autumn. Although the low-lying areas north of the line of 24 hot and humid in the summer, but they generally have average annual temperatures less (from 20 to 24 degrees Celsius) because of more moderate conditions during the winter. 

Fall of several major Mexican cities in the Valley of Mexico or in adjacent valleys altitude of 2000 meters in general. This situation gives it a moderate climate throughout the year, with average annual temperatures (between 16 to 18 ° C) and cool temperatures at night throughout the year. 

Many parts of Mexico, particularly in the north, Java has a climate with sporadic rainfall while parts of the tropical low lands in the south Madol has an annual rainfall of more than 2000 mm. For example, many cities in the north like Monterrey and Mexicali Ayrmosalo and with temperatures at 40 degrees Celsius or more in summer. In the Sonoran desert temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius or more.


Philippines (Bafilbeno: Pilipinas [pɪlɪpinɐs]), officially the Republic of the Philippines, is a constitutional republic is located in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific. Is an archipelago composed of 7,107 islands, is bordered to the north across the Taiwan Strait, Luzon, and Vietnam to the west across the South China Sea. Sulu Sea in the south-west is separated from the island of Borneo and the Sea of ​​celebs to the south separates it from other islands in Indonesia. It is bordered to the east Philippine Sea. Classified into three major geographic sections of Luzon and Visayas and Mindanao. Manila is the capital city, while the city's most densely populated and Quezon are both cities are part of the so-it (Metro Manila). 

The Philippines has an estimated population of about 92 million people, which puts it in ranked 12th globally by the census. It is estimated that there are 11 million expatriate Filipinos all over the world. There are multiple races and cultures all over the islands. Tropical climate and is one of the richest areas of biodiversity in the world. 

Ethnic Alngrito from prehistoric times was one of the early inhabitants of the archipelago. Were followed by successive waves of Austronesian peoples who brought with them influences from Malay cultures, Hindu, and Islamic. It also entered the Chinese influence of the country through trade. The arrival of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 the beginning of an era of Spanish interests, led to the occupation of the country in the end. Philippines became the Asian Centre for treasure fleet Acapulco Sffineh Manila. Christianity spread widely in the country. With the entry of the twentieth century, followed by a series of events quickly and in a short period of Philippine Revolution to the Spanish-American War Philippine-American War. 

In the aftermath, the United States replaced Spain as the dominant power. Aside from the period of Japanese occupation, the United States retained sovereignty over the islands until the end of World War II when the Philippines gained independence. United States has given the English language of the Philippines and the tendency of Western culture. Lived in the Philippines since independence democratic experience turbulent often with political corruption, and the movements of people calling for the authority to get rid of the dictatorship in a while but it highlights the weaknesses in the Constitution of the Constitutional Republic in the other cases.


Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: Geography of the Philippines 

Mount Apo in Mindanao, which is the highest point in the Philippines 
The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,107 island [43] The total area of ​​land, including inland bodies of water, of approximately 300,000 km2 (116,000 sq mi). The Philippines has a coastline along the 36.289 km (22,549 miles), which puts it in ranked fifth in the world. [43] [64] bounded by the Philippine Sea to the east, and the South China Sea to the west, and the Celebes Sea in the south. The island of Borneo is located a few hundred kilometers in the south-west, while Taiwan is located directly to the north. Located Moluccas and Sulawesi to the south and south-west to the east and Palau. [43] 

Covers most of the islands mountainous tropical rain forests, which are volcanic in origin, and the top of Mount Apo, which rise up to 2954 m (9692 ft) above sea level and is located on the island of Mindanao. The longest river is the Cagayan River in northern Luzon. Manila Bay is connected Blajona de Bay, the largest lake in the Philippines, across the Pasig River. Bays important Subic Bay, the Davao Gulf, and Morro Bay and others. Strait separates the islands of San Joanico Samar and Leyte but it Joanico San bridge. [65] 

I run agricultural fields Alaagurut paving the mountain slopes in the northern Philippines. 
I run agricultural fields Alaagurut paving the mountain slopes in the northern Philippines. 

The Philippines is located on the western margin of the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean, where the islands have seen repeated volcanic and seismic activity. Benham Plateau to the east in the Philippine Sea area under the sea where the active movement of tectonic plates. [66] Zelzla score about 20 a day, although most of the lowest human feel to it. Hit the last big earthquake in Luzon in 1990. [67] There are a lot of active volcanoes such as the Mayon Volcano, Mount Pinatubo, and Taal Volcano. Considered the explosion of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991 explosion of the second largest of its kind in the earth in the 20th century. [68] Not all prominent geographical features violent or destructive, as the Puerto Princesa underground river from the effects of the quiet geological disturbances. 

Due to the nature of the volcanic islands, there are many abundant mineral deposits. Estimated to own the country's second reserve of gold after South Africa and one of the largest copper deposits in the world. [69] It is also rich in nickel, chromium, and zinc. [69] In spite of this, and because of poor management, high population density, and environmental consciousness, these resources mineral remain largely untapped. Geothermal energy, another product of volcanic activity and products which Schrth country more successfully. Philippines the second largest producer in the world for thermal power behind the United States, which generate 18% of the country's electricity needs from geothermal energy. [70] 

Biodiversity [edit] 

Thanks in biodiversity large in the Philippines to the rainforest and coastal petition. [71] Philippines one of the top ten countries with the diversity of environmental massive as it closer to the highest degree of biological diversity in a logical unit. [72] [73] [74] There are approximately 1100 type of terrestrial vertebrate in the Philippines including over 100 species of mammals and 170 species of birds are believed to be not found in other places. [75] include endemic species Tamha in Mindoro, deer Visayas trout, and Ghazal mouse Philippine pig Visayas verruciformis , the Philippine Flying lemurs, and several species of bats. [76] 

Philippines lacks large predators, with the exception of snakes, such as boa cobras, and birds of prey, such as the national bird, known as the Philippine eagle. [77] include animals other indigenous palm civet Asian, dugong, and the Philippine Tracieir associated with Bohol. With plant species are estimated at 13,500 in the country, including 3,200 unique exist only in these islands. [75] replete with rainforests of the Philippines with a wide range of plants, including rare species many of orchids and Rafflesia. [78] [79] The fire main types of solid wood. [80] 

The area of ​​the territorial waters of the Philippines 1.67 million km 2 (640,000 square miles) of ocean, which is a vital featuring unique marine life and variety, and is an important part of the Coral Triangle. There are 2400 species of fish and more than 500 species of coral. [71] [75] the people of Apo reef largest system of coral reefs in the country, and the second largest in the world. [81] maintains Philippine waters also on the cultivation of pearls, crabs, and seaweed. [71] [82] 

Deforestation, often the result of illegal logging, is an acute problem in the Philippines. Decline in forest cover of 70% of the total area of ​​the country in 1900 to about 18.3% in 1999. [83] [84] This threatens a lot of animal species in the region of South Asia, where the extinction rate could reach 20% by the end of this century . [85] According to conservation International, "the country is one of the few countries which, on the whole, very diverse, placing it among the hot spots on the ladder of the top priorities for the Save the World". [78] 

Climate [edit] 

Tropical Storm Thelma over the Philippines. 
Philippines tropical maritime climate and is usually hot and humid. There are three seasons: Tag-Aanat or TAG-Aarau, the summer season is warm and dry from March / March-May / May; Tag-Ulan, the rainy season from June to November, and Tag-to Ameg, season cool and dry from December first / December to February. Known as the South West Monsoon on behalf of Habagat (May / May to October / October), and wind dry northeast monsoon (from November to April / April), on behalf of the Amihan. [86] ranging temperatures typically between 21 ° C (70 degrees Fahrenheit) to 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit), although it may go up or down from one season to another. The coldest months is January, and Ahrha May / May [43] [87] 

Average annual temperatures around 26.6 degrees Celsius (79.88 degrees Fahrenheit). [86] does not seem to when considering the temperature that the location of the country for the latitude and longitude important factor. Whether it is in the far north Oaljnob Oalcherq, or west of the country, the temperatures in the sea level tend to be in the same range. While the altitude usually have a impact on temperatures. The average annual temperature in Baguio at an altitude of 1500 meters (4900 feet) above sea level is 18.3 degrees Celsius (64.9 degrees Fahrenheit), making it a popular destination during the hot summer. [86] 

Sitting astride the typhoon belt, living most of the islands heavy rains and thunderstorms annual from July to October / October [88] with about 19 typhoons enter the area of the Philippines in a normal year and 8-9 of them lead to landslides in the soil. [89] [90] [91] annual rainfall up to 5000 mm (200 inches) in the mountainous east coast section but less than 1,000 millimeters (39 inches) in some protected valleys. 


Germany (German: Deutschland Deutschland this file) (in English: Germany) is a democratic federal republic, and a member of the European Union in its full name: Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland for this file Bondsriboblak Deutschland). 

Berlin is the largest city and is the capital and the seat of power. Federal federal political system, and take the form of a parliamentary democratic republican. Germany is divided into sixteen 16 federal region each with its sovereignty and his own local. 

Germany is located in Central Europe, bordered to the north: the North Sea, Denmark, and the Baltic Sea, and from the south: Austria, Switzerland, and the East: Poland, Czech Republic, on the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. 

The area of ​​Germany: 357.021 square kilometers and has a population of 81751602 people, is considered the state's most numerous and densely populated countries in the European Union and is also the third largest state in terms of the number of immigrants it [4]. 

Germany formed a central part in the Romanian Holy Empire, which lasted until 1806, and during the 16th century northern Germany became the center of the Protestant Reformation. After World War II, Germany was divided into two parts: East Germany and West Germany. The re-unification in 1990, in 1957, West Germany became a founding member of the European Common Market, which became the European Union in 1993. In 1999, the euro became the currency of Germany (German: Euro Aero) has also become one of the European countries belonging to the Schengen agreement allowing residents to European countries belonging to the agreement to move into and out of without a visa and without limits. 

Founded Germany social insurance system as a step in a series of measures in order to develop the living standards of its population and its location in the relations of European and maintains strong partnerships at the global level, Germany is the second pilot in the science of medicine, engineering, technology and modern techniques, a member of the United Nations, NATO and the Group of Eight and the Organization for economic Cooperation and Development and is a major economic power, where it is the largest exporter of goods and the second largest importer in the world [5] .. 

Transport and Communications

Highways prevalent in Germany and connecting all major cities. 

High-speed train between Hamburg and Munich, walks with electricity. 
The German economy depends on the availability of rapid transportation network linking all German cities. He began construction of highways in the reign of Hitler in order to speed the movement of military forces and Almusfajat between fronts. No roads in Germany rapid speed limits only in specific areas and can accelerate the car up to 220 kilometers per hour. 

In addition, all major cities are connected by train Alvey ultrafast speed of 220 kilometers per hour, and linking small towns with electricity trains traveling at speeds between 120-160 kilometers per hour. 

It also exploits waterways widely in German, where there are many rivers east and west and north and south. Successive governments have worked on the expansion in the construction of canals linking the vast rivers each other. And sometimes necessary to build locks between the rivers is different when the high level of the river from the River, and that locks up sometimes to a height of 30 meters. Built as the Kiel Canal in the north of the connection between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea since the late nineteenth century, and is now one of the most busiest waterways in the world by ship. 

Civil Aviation available and linking major cities in Germany, and the German air from the highest points in the lower density of aviation as it is central to all international airlines and connects the east and west, north and south. 

Largest airports in Germany, Frankfurt airport and take flight between the two cities in Germany more than 45 minutes.


Summit famous «Tsughbetzh» in the Alps. 

Elbassand Mountains. 
Germany known consciously environmental higher. [43] where most Germans look for the causes of human as an important factor in global warming. [44] The German state has a leading role at the global level in the climate and energy policies where they are committed to the Convention on Kyoto and other treaties many to promote diversity Diversity, low carbon emission standards, recycling, the use of clean renewable energy and efficiency in the use and support sustainable development on a global level. [45] 

The German government has embarked on the implementation of large-scale programs to reduce emissions as the country's overall emissions are falling. [46] For example, since 1964, been organizing air pollution legislation in Germany by strict legal. However, rates remain carbon dioxide emissions in Germany per capita is among the highest in the European Union as the largest European economies, and the third in the world, though also remain much lower than those rates in Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia and the United States. 

Emissions from utilities that operate coal-burning industries and contribute to air pollution. Acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide emissions, causing damage to the German forests. Has been reduced pollution in the Baltic Sea from raw sewage and industrial effluents from rivers in former East Germany. The government announced under the rule of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's intention to put an end to the use of nuclear energy for electricity production. Germany is working to meet its obligations in the European Union in the areas of preservation of natural reserves and endangered animals in the European Union. Glaciers in Germany in the Alpine region in jeopardy. Natural hazards such as flooding rivers in the spring and stormy winds occurring in all regions. 

vendredi 29 août 2014


China (Simplified Chinese: 中国 Chongwa; Traditional Chinese: 中國), formally known as the People's Republic of China (Simplified Chinese: 中华人民共和国 Zhonghua Renmin Gonghegu; Traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國) is the most populous country in the world with more than 1.338 billion people. Located in East Asia and is governed by the Chinese Communist Party under the one-party system. [9] consists of China, more than 22 provinces, five autonomous regions and four municipalities administered directly (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing, two regions of high autonomy [10] namely Hong Kong and Macau . the nation's capital is the city of Beijing. [11] 
Stretches of the country on an area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers (3.7 million square miles), where is the Peoples Republic of China's third or fourth largest of the total area (depending on the definition of what is included in this total), [12] and the second-largest, according to the area of ​​the mainland. [13 ] varied landscape in China between forests and steppes and deserts (the Gobi and Taklamakan) in the dry north near Mongolia and Siberia in Russia and sub-tropical forests in the humid south, near Vietnam, Laos and Burma. Terrain in the West and the rugged and at high altitudes where the Himalayas and the Tian Shan Mountains form the natural border with China, India and Central Asia. In contrast, the eastern coast of the mainland low Odhu 14,500 kilometer long coastline bounded on the southeast by the South China Sea and East China Sea, which is located outside the eastern Taiwan, Korea and Japan. 

Ancient Chinese civilization, one of the oldest civilizations in the world, where it flourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River, which flows through the North China Plain. [14] through more than 6,000 in the political system in China on genetic monarchies (also known as dynasties). The first of these breeds Xia (about 2000 BC), but subsequent Qin Dynasty was the first unified the country in 221 BC. Ended last strains (Qing Dynasty) in 1911 with the founding of the Republic of China by the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Chinese Nationalist Party. The first half of the twentieth century, the fall of the country in a period of disintegration and civil wars that divided the country into two camps, two main political Kuomintang and the Communists. The violence ended the Great in 1949 when the Communists to resolve the civil war and founded the People's Republic of China in mainland China. Transfer KMT capital of his republic to Taipei in Taiwan, where currently limited sovereignty over Taiwan and Kinmen and Matsu Islands several remote. Since then, it has entered the People's Republic of China in political disputes with the Republic of China on the issues of sovereignty, the political status of Taiwan. 
Since the introduction of economic reforms based on market system in 1978, China has become the fastest-growing economies in the world where it became the largest exporter in the world and the second largest importer of goods. China's economy is the second largest economy in the world, [15] in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity. [16] China is a permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations. She is also a member of the multilateral organizations, including the WTO, APEC and BRIC and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Group of Twenty. China has a nuclear arsenal is recognized and its army is the largest in the world in service with the second-largest defense budget. China branded a potential superpower by a number of academics, [17] and military analysts [18] and economic analysts, and public policy.

Kitchen [edit] 
Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: Chinese cuisine 

Traditional Chinese food in Tianjin. 
Chinese cuisine kitchen diverse and rich in various forms of cuisine, and this is due to what was widespread among the emperors during the reign of dynasties, where they were staying Banquet huge and offer numerous varieties of food is formed each category, including 100 dish, [210] and the number of chefs skilled and courtesans situated upon himself the preparation of these massive amounts. 
Turned some types of cuisine to become Gmaoua day for the people with the passage of time, and as a result of this opened several restaurants in the major cities and large towns, such as restaurant Fangshan in the park any Hai in Beijing, which was his qualities very similar recipes that are prepared to minors Imperial. [210] considered All varieties of Chinese food, which is today around the world, including the American Chinese food, roots can Tagafiha to the era of the Chinese dynasties. 
Holidays and public holidays [edit] 

Yao Ming. 
Holidays are the days of vacation in all the country, except the regional Hong Kong and Macao enjoying the regime of special and a list of holidays, especially with all of them. 
New Year's Day (the first and the second in January) 
Spring Festival (Festival Lunar New Year) (three days of official circles, and one to two weeks for factories and companies). 
Holiday workers: the first three days of the month of May, and the disruption of some companies and factories until a week on this occasion 
National Day: the first of the month of October, a holiday for three days, and the feast of the triumph of the Communist revolution in 1949 and the declaration of the Republic of China's popular 
And usually what is going to work over the weekend before and after the holiday or in the latter. This pattern of private long holidays compared to holidays in other countries must be taken into account when visiting China for the purpose of business or on a mission. And except holidays mentioned does not go down the pace of work so dramatically during the summer months. 
Sports and creativity [edit] 
Chinese culture is one of the oldest sporting cultures in the world, which extends for several thousand years. There are some effects indicate that some form of football played in China in ancient times. [211] In addition to football, [212] there are some of the most popular sports in the country include martial arts, table tennis, badminton, swimming, basketball and snooker. 
And China also plays in basketball, which has great interest of young people. And cares Chinese youth watching MLS basketball (NBA), and is a player Yao Ming darling of many. China ranked first in the number of gold medals in the Olympic Games last summer, which was held in Beijing from August 8 to August 24 2008. 

Geography and climate 
The topography of China 
The topography of China 
Rice fields in Long Xing 
Rice fields in Long Xing 
Li River in Guangxi 
Li River in Guangxi 
Mount Everest in Tibet 
Mount Everest in Tibet 
South China Sea when Henin 
South China Sea when Henin 
Peoples Republic of China is the second largest country in the world in terms of land area, [13] and is considered the third or fourth with regard to space the college. [90] due uncertainty about the total area of the country for two reasons: first, the health claims of China on the land such as Aksai Chin and routes across the Karakoram (as claimed by India), [91] and the second is how to calculate the total size of the United States, where gives the CIA World Factbook United States space 9.82663 million km 2 (3.79408 million square miles) [92], while you give the Encyclopedia Britannica 9522055 km2 (3676486 sq mi). [93] limiting China's 14 state and thus (along with Russia) more countries borders with other countries; clockwise from south China's neighbors are: Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan [94], Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia and North Korea. In addition lies the border between the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China in the territorial waters. Countries with a land border of China 22.117 km (13.743 miles) and is the longest in the world. 
Varied landscapes in China. In the Middle located along the shores of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, where areas of high population density in the alluvial plains, while on the edges of the Inner Mongolia Plateau in the north can be seen grazing. Southern China is dominated by hills and low mountain ranges. In the east of the center of the country, there are key Delta rivers, China Yellow River and the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). Other major rivers of Shi and the Brahmaputra and the Mekong and other things. To the west lies the major mountain ranges, particularly the Himalayas, where the highest point is located in China in the eastern half of Mount Everest at 8,848 m (29,029 ft), while the high plateaus characterize the natural landscape, such as the arid desert of Taklamakan and Gobi Desert. 
Environment [edit] 

Turbines Raahih in Xinjiang, part of a project which aims to establish a farm Raahih largest in the world in order to provide sustainable energy for the Chinese people. 
Important issues are desertification and the expansion of deserts, particularly the Gobi Desert. [95] Although the presence of a front of trees planted since the seventies of the twentieth century contributed to the decline in the frequency of sandstorms, the drought prolonged and poor agricultural practices have led to dust storms afflicting northern China each spring and spread those sandstorms later to other parts of East Asia, including Korea and Japan. China is losing a million acres (4,000 km 2) annually due to desertification. [96] have become a necessity to control water and soil erosion and pollution control are important issues in China's relations with other countries. The melting of glaciers in the Himalayas could also lead to water shortages for hundreds of millions of people. [97] 
China Etemz climate seasons of drought and wet monsoons, which lead to differences in temperature between winter and summer. Winter brings cold north wind and drought, while in the summer brings southern winds from sea areas warmth and humidity. The climate in China differs from region to region because of the topography of the country's extensive and complex. 
Biodiversity [edit] 

The giant panda. 
China is one of the seventeen countries of high biodiversity, and return it because it is located in two large Ahaaúatin, [98] two old polar region and the region Hindomalaoa or east. Managed to find in the region on the first mammals such as horse and camel and tapir and gerbils, but useful region Hindomalaoa can find objects of lines of rat and cat Nimri Zpapiat bamboo and trees and various types of monkeys. There is some overlap between the two regions due to natural spread of the animals and the migration of some species, as well as there are some species that can be found in both regions and different environmental areas, such as deer, antelope, bears, wolves and pigs and rodents. There is a famous giant panda only in a limited area along the Yangtze River. Still trading in Endangered Species dilemma continues, despite the existence of laws currently prohibit such activities. 
China also contain a variety of forest types. In the north-east and north-west there are mountain forests and coniferous cold and supporting animal species such as the Asiatic black bear and moose along with about 120 species of birds. The coniferous forest is dominated by wet bamboo forests, mainly in low-lying areas, and replace them with shifts at the top of the mountain terraces, and notable trees in areas of high: juniper and Aleo. Spread subtropical forests in central and southern China, which supports nearly 146,000 species of plants. The tropical rainforest and seasonal rainforest albeit limited to the island of Hainan and Yunnan Fathtoa in fact a quarter of the total of plants and animals in China.



Canada (in English: Canada) is a country in North America, consisting of 10 provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and extends north into the Arctic Ocean. Canada is the second country worldwide in terms of total area. The boundaries of Canada shared with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world. 
Canada lands inhabited for thousands of years by different groups of indigenous people. Solutions with the late fifteenth century began campaigning the British and French to explore the area and then Astotntha along the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years' War. In 1867, with the union of three British colonies in North America through the confederation of Canada was formed as a federal entity, a sovereign comprises four provinces. It began operation widened the area of ​​Canada and the expansion of its autonomy from the United Kingdom. This independence manifested itself through legislation and Westminster in 1931 and culminating in the image of Canada Act in 1982, which cut the legal dependence of Canada on the British parliament. 
Canada is a federal state ruled by a representative democratic system and constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as the leader of the state. Canadian nation bilingual nation where English and French are official languages ​​at the federal level. Canada is one of the most advanced countries in the world, owns a diversified economy based on its abundant natural resources, and on trade, particularly with the United States, which share a long and complex relationship. Canada is a member of the Group of Seven industrialized nations and the Group of Eight and the Group of Twenty and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Trade Organization and the countries of the Commonwealth and the Francophonie and the Organization of American States and the APEC and the United Nations. Canada has one of the highest standards of living in the world where the human development index ranking it eighth in the world.


Representatives of the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States sign a free trade agreement for North America in 1992. 
Canada is one of the richest countries in the world where rising by per capita income. They are also members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Group of Eight. Furthermore, it is on the list of the top ten trading nations. [125] is Canada's economy a mixed economy and ranks above the United States and most of Western Europe, according to the index of the Heritage Foundation's economic freedom. [126] the largest foreign importers for goods of Canada are the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan.] 127] 
In the last century, resulting in the growth sectors of manufacturing, mining and services to transform the country from a rural economy to a large extent to the one of the most industrialized nations and urban areas. Like other first world countries, dominates the Canadian economy, the service industry, which employs about three-quarters of Canadians. [128] characterized by Canada among developed nations in interest in the first sector of the economy, where it is the logging industry and the oil of the most important industries in Canada. [129] 
Canada is of the few developed countries are net exporters of energy. [130] Atlantic Canada region has large amounts of natural gas, in addition to focusing major sources of oil and gas in the province of Alberta. While making the Athabasca oil sands region of Canada second in the world's proven oil reserves after Saudi Arabia. [131] 
Canada of the most important countries in the world in the supply of agricultural products, where the Canadian prairies of the most important places supplier of wheat, canola and other grains. [132] Moreover, Canada is the world's largest producer of zinc and uranium, they also have the status of a global leader in a lot of natural resources others, such as gold, nickel, aluminum and lead. [130] the life in many northern cities, which are difficult to agriculture on the existence of a nearby mine or source of timber. In addition, Canada has a huge industrial sector is concentrated in southern Ontario and Quebec, where the automotive industry, aeronautics important industries in particular. 
Increased economic integration with the United States dramatically since World War II. Led automotive products trade agreement signed in 1965 to open the borders of trade in the automotive sector. In the seventies of the last century, prompted concerns about energy self-sufficiency and foreign ownership in the industry sectors Liberal government headed by Pierre Trudeau to create a national energy program as well as the establishment of a review of foreign investment. [134] 
In the eighties of the last century, the prime minister, who belongs to the party's conservative Progressive Brian Mulroney to cancel the program national energy and changed the name of the Foreign Investment Review to Canada to invest in order to encourage foreign investment. [135] also led the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States in 1988 to eliminate tariffs between the two countries. While included free trade agreement in North America, Mexico to the system in the nineties. [132] in the middle of that decade began Liberal government headed by Jean Chretien in the deportation of surplus annual budget and proceeded to reduce the public debt consistently. [136] hurt the global financial crisis in 2008 Canada and entered in the recession could raise the unemployment rate to 10%. [137] in 2008, the value of Canadian imports more than 442.9 billion, including $ 280.8 billion from the United States and 11.7 billion from Japan, 11.3 billion from the United Kingdom.] 127] trade deficit of the country in 2009, about 4.8 billion Canadian dollars compared to a surplus of 46.9 billion Canadian dollars in 2008. [138] 

As of October 2009, the unemployment rate was 8.6% in Canada. Vary unemployment rates in the counties between 5.8% in Manitoba to 17% in Novnlund and Labrador. [139] between October 2008 and October 2010, lost Canadian labor market 162,000 full-time jobs and about 224,000 permanent jobs. [140] estimated debt of Canada federal estimated 566.7 billion dollars in 2010-2011, up from 463.7 billion dollars in 2008-2009. [141] net external debt rose to Canada for $ 41 billion dollars to 194 billion dollars in the first quarter of 2010.

Provincial and district 
Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed article: provinces and territories of Canada 
Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories. Can be distributed to those regions: Western Canada and Central Canada and Atlantic Canada, and Northern Canada (Eastern Canada refers to Central Canada and Atlantic Canada together). Counties have the widest autonomy of the regions. Counties are considered responsible for most of Canada's social programs (such as health care, education and social welfare) and together collect more revenue from the federal government, the structure of which is almost unique among federations in the world. Can the federal government through its spending power to start national policies in the areas of counties such as Canada Health Act, provinces can get out of those commitments, but rarely do so in practice. Pay the federal government budget that payments to ensure the retention unified standards of services and reasonable taxes between rich and poor districts. [112] 

Geopolitical map of Canada shows the ten provinces and three territories 
Photo spacecraft to Canada. Boreal forests prevail on the rocky Canadian Shield. While dominated by ice and tundra in the Arctic. Show glaciers in the Canadian Rockies and the coastal mountains. The flat fertile prairies and facilitate agriculture. Feed the Great Lakes region, the St. Lawrence River (in the southeast), where the plains hosts a large proportion of the population of Canada 
Occupies Canada, a large portion of northern North America, and shares land borders with the United States in the south and the state of Alaska in the north-west, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and to the north lies the Arctic Ocean. [113] [114] calculates the total area (including its waters), Canada is the second largest country in the world after Russia. In terms of land area occupies the fourth place Canada. [114] 
The country is located between latitudes 41 degrees and 84 degrees north and longitude 52 degrees and 141 degrees west. Since 1925, Canada has demanded part of the North Pole between longitudes 60 degrees and 141 degrees west [115], but their demands are not recognized internationally. Maximum settlements Canadian (and international) in the north is the Canadian Forces Station Alert on the northern tip of the island of Alesamar - Latitude 82.5 degrees north - just 817 km from the North Pole. [116] ice and frost covers a large part of the Canadian Arctic. Canada also has the longest coastline in the world a length of 202.080 km. [114] 
A semi-circular waterfall between two outcrops of forests

Horseshoe Falls in Niagara Falls in Ontario. [117] is one of the largest waterfalls in the world in size and is famous for both its beauty and being a valuable source of hydroelectric power. 
Since the last ice age and Canada consisting of eight forest areas distinct including boreal forests wide of the Canadian Shield. [118] Canada has lakes, more than any other country and has so most of the world's freshwater. [119] There is also a glacier water fresh in the Canadian Rocky Mountains and the coastal mountains. Canada's active geology, where the number of earthquakes and volcanoes-efficient underlying notably Mount Meagher and Mount Garibaldi and Mount Kelly and complex mountain Adziza volcanic. [120] caused a volcanic eruption in the cone Tseixas in 1775 in disaster tragic, killing 2,000 Nisga'a people and destroying their village in the Nass River valley and northern British Columbia. Hmmaa eruption produced a flow length of 22.5 km, according to legend Nisga'a people, those lava stopped the flow of the river people. [121] 
The population density of 3.3 people per square kilometer, is among the lowest in the world. The most densely populated part of the country is the Quebec City and Windsor corridor is located in southern Quebec and southern Ontario along the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. [122] 

Differs from the average temperature in winter and summer by location. Can be a winter harsh in many regions of the country, particularly in inland provinces and the plains and facing continental climate, where the average daily temperature near -15 ° C, but may drop to less than -40 degrees Celsius in the presence of wind frigid severe. [123] in non-coastal areas had snow covers the ground for almost six months of the year (most in the north). The coast of British Columbia has a temperate climate with mild winters and rainy. On the east and west coasts, the average summer temperatures are generally in their early twenties degrees Celsius while the coasts at between 25-30 degrees Celsius while it may reach high temperatures in some cases, in some inland areas at 40 degrees Celsius. [124]

jeudi 28 août 2014



Animal koala and eucalyptus form a symbol of Australia 
Although most of Australia's semi-arid regions or desert, but it possesses a variety of environments, such as the Alpine environment to tropical forests, and therefore are classified as countries with extreme biodiversity. Because of the age of the continent's large, diverse climatic regions, and long-term geographic isolation, most of the organisms in Australian unique and diverse. About 85% of the flowers and (84%) of mammals and 45% of birds and 89% of fish that live in temperate climate endemic on the continent. [90] Australia has a large number of reptiles, where up to 755 type . [91] 
Most of the forest is composed of Australia always evergreen species, particularly eucalyptus trees in the less arid deserts and clustered in dry areas as the most prevalent species. [92] Among the most famous Australian animals are singlet route (the platypus and echidna); And a group of marsupials, such as kangaroos and koala and wombat, and birds such as Imo and Alecoqabouri. [92] and is considered Australia is home to many dangerous animals in including more snakes poisonous in the world. [93] extinct many plants since the settlement the first human to the continent, [94] including so huge Australian fauna, and others disappeared since European settlement, such as Telsen. [95] [96] 
There are many areas of Australian ecosystems, and many species are threatened due to human activities. [97] and the federal Environmental Protection Act and biodiversity conservation for 1999 is the legal framework for the protection of endangered species. And established many of the natural reserves in the framework of the International Strategy for conservation and protection of biodiversity Australian and preserve unique ecosystems. [98] [99] and ranked 65 wet area within the Ramsar Convention, [100] and established 16 World Heritage sites. [101] and was Australia occupies ranked No. 51 among 163 in environmental Performance Index 2010. [102] 

Census Australia [103] 
In Australia the indigenous population 
Pre-1788 750,000 to 1,000,000. [51] 
In the non-indigenous population percentage increase% 
1788 900 - 
1800 5,200 14.6% 
1850 405 400 8.7% 
General population rate of increase% 
3.7653 million in 1900 - 
1910 4.5251 million 1.8% 
1920 5.411 million 1.8% 
1930 6.501 million 1.8% 
1940 7.078 million 0.9% 
1950 8.307 million 1.6% 
10.392 million 1960 2.2% 
12.663 million 1970 2.0% 
14.726 million 1980 1.5% 
17.169 million 1990 1.5% 
19.1691 million in 2000 to 1.1% 
20.971 million 2010 0.9% 
Since several generations, and the largest share of immigrants came to Australia from Britain, and the majority of Australians generally of British and Irish origins. In the statistics of 2006, the proportion of Australians in Australia (37.13%) [104] and the British (32%), Irish (9%) and Alscottlndean (8%) and Italians (4%) and German (4%) and Chinese (3%) and Greeks. (2%) [105] 
Australia's population has doubled four times after the end of the First World War, as a result of the large increase in immigration. [106] after World War II to 2000, 5.9 million people migrated to Australia, and dwelt by the new immigrants. This means that every two out of every seven Australians came from abroad. [107] For reasons of family or asylum larger share of the causes of migration. [108] and plans to Australia in 2050 will be a population of 42 million people. [109] 
In 2001, the proportion (23.1%) of Australians in Australia were born overseas, and the five largest groups of migrants were from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Italy, Vietnam and China. [88] [110] In 1998-99, the number of immigrants to 67,900 and between 2005-06, emigrated more than 131.00 to Australia are mostly came from Asia and Oceania, [111] and are currently seeking in Australia between 2010-11 to reach 168 700 the number of immigrants. [112] 
The number of Indigenous Australians-Aburgien and residents Strait Torres- equal to 410 003 people (ie 2.2 of the total population) in 2001, a significant rise after that was 115 953 people in the statistics in 1976 [113] have not been calculated by a large number of indigenous people and so are heading to their third Balahsaúah registered, but then when you counted the number would be 460 140 people (or 2.4% of the total population) in 2001. [114] 

Experiencing rates of imprisonment and unemployment Australian Aborigines more than normal [115], in addition to the low level of education, and life expectancy have less B11-17 population non-indigenous to Australia. [88] [116] [117] have described some of the remote communities of indigenous people on the they failed societies.
Geography [edit] 

Topographic map of the continent of Australia 
Australia is considered an area of ​​7.61793 million square kilometers (2.9413 million mi 2) [14] on the surface of the Australian continent. It is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east, and is separated from Asia Arafura Sea and the Timor Sea and is separated from the Tasman Sea, New Zealand, and is separated from the Antarctic Ocean Antarctica. Australia is the smallest continent in the world [15] and the sixth largest country in the world by area [16]. Australia is -nzera to size and Anazalha- island continent, and is the largest island in the world [17]. Space is considered the shores of Australia 34,218 kilometers (21,262 miles) (excluding all offshore islands) [18] Australia has many areas and wide of the exclusive economic zones is estimated at 8.14825 million square kilometers (3.14606 million mi 2). This exclusive economic zone does not include the Australian territory in Antarctica. Macquarie Islands with the exception of Australia located between 9 ° to 44 ° S, 122 ° to 154 ° east. 

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world, [14] is located at a short distance from the beach and the north-eastern Imitk about 2,000 kilometers (1,240 mi). The grand-term separation is the largest mountain range in Australia, it extends from the northeastern state of Queensland along the east coast of New South Wales through and then up to the state of Victoria in the south to turn to the West. The highest mountain in the territory of Australia along the 2,228 meter (7,310 feet) is a mountain Khusizko in the Great Devaedenig, [19] despite the existing mount more high from it, but the county's Australian Heard Island, a Mount Mason Peck, who is fit to rise to 2,745 meters (9,006 ft). [20] 

Climatic zones of Australia 
   Promoter and Savannah 
Australia is the continent most flattest [21], and the soil is the oldest and least fertile, [22] [23] It is almost desert land or semi-desert and represents the remote areas of the bulk of the ground, which is more a continent drier Mhúlh; except for areas in the south east and south west of temperate climate. [24] the population density of 2.8 people per square kilometer, and is one of the lowest in the world. [25] Although the population, mostly living in the south-east coast with a temperate climate [26]. Landscapes abound in Chemli part of the country, and the upper limb and what areas behind Carpintarya Bay, which is characterized by tropical climates, and the presence of forests by land and grassland and desert. [27] [28] [29]. While in the northwest corner of the continent, it is the area slopes and valleys of sandstone gorges of the Kimberley region and Pilbara below them in the south and inland areas. While the highlands of central Australia is the heart of Australia. [30] 

Influenced by the climate in Australia dramatically currents of the ocean-including the phenomenon of the poles of the Indian Ocean and the phenomenon of Alnino- linked to drought-league, season tropical low pressure causes hurricanes in the north of Australia. [31] [32] These factors contribute to the onset of rains, which vary significantly from year to year. Prevails most of the northern part of the country's tropical climate with summer rains (seasonal). [33] and three-quarters of Australia lies within a region of desert or semi-desert. [34] and is a corner of the south-west of the State within the territory of the Mediterranean climate, [35] and most of the south-east (including Tasmania) with a mild climate. [33]


Brazil, officially the Federal Republic of Brazil is the largest country in all of South America and Latin America. And the fifth-largest country in the world, both in terms of geographical area or population. It is the largest Portuguese-speaking countries in the world, and the only one in the Americas. 
Is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and Brazil has a coastline of bar 7,491 km (4,655 mi) [13] is bounded on the north Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and the Overseas French of French Guiana; in the northwest of Colombia but on the West Bolivia and Peru; on the south-west of Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Several groups of islands, part of the Brazilian territory, such as Fernando de Noronha, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim won. It is bordered by all other countries in South America except Chile and Ecuador, and occupies 47% of the South Garhomrica. 

Brazil was a colony of Portugal from the beginning of the landing of Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500, until 1815, when he rose to the rank of Kingdom on the formation of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves. Was Sindh colonial actually break several years ago, in 1808, when he was transferred the capital of the Portuguese empire colonial from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, after Napoleon's invasion of Portugal. [14] has been achieved independence in 1822 with the formation of the Empire of Brazil, which is a unified state governed by a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system. The country became a presidential republic in 1889, when it announced the military coup of the Republic, despite the fact that the legislature of two chambers, called the Congress now, back to the ratification of the first constitution in 1824 [15] the current Constitution, developed in 1988, defines Brazil a federal republic consisting of the Union before the Union the Federal District, and 26 States, and 5,564 municipalities. 

Brazil's economy is the seventh-largest company in the world by nominal GDP and the largest seventh purchasing power parity, and as of 2012.edo in the group BRICS, Brazil has one of the fastest growing major economies in the world, but this had the economic reforms in the country New international recognition and Nfoz.alpennek national Development in Brazil (BNDES) plays an important role for economic growth in the country. It depends mostly on their own funds and invest in large local companies. The Bank's goal is to promote economic growth as well as the preservation of the environment and the protection of communities Mahlah.albraszel is a founding member of the United Nations, G20, CPLP Union and Latin, and the Organization of Ibero-American States, the Organization of American States, Mercosul and the Union of South American Nations. Brazil is one of the 17 countries are very diverse, and home to a variety of wild animals, and natural environments, and extensive natural resources in a variety of protected habitats.

Economic growth [edit] 
World looks to Brazil as a country with great potential such as Russia, India and China, and is one of the BRIC countries. Foreign policy adopted by Brazil gives priority to the alliance between developing countries to negotiate with developed countries. Brazil, like Argentina and Venezuela kept the FTAA project under discussion, along with the United States. There is also integration initiatives in South America, and cooperation in the fields of economy and social areas. Some experts and analysts, including analyst Peter Gutmann, expected in 2050, and will reach Brazil statistically the standard of living established in 2005 in the euro zone countries. According to data from Goldman Sachs. [Citation needed] 
Tourism [edit] 

The city of Rio de Janeiro's most tourism, Brazil 
Visited Brazil in 2005 about 5 million tourists and tourism income represents Brazil's equivalent to 4 billion USD, and most States Tourism: Rio de Janeiro, 34.7%, 25.1% Santakatarina, 20.3% of Parana, Sao Paulo, Bahia, 16% and 15.5%. 
Agriculture [edit] 
Brazil is characterized by giant agricultural enormity and diversity of agricultural production is ranked first in the production of coffee, citrus, cocoa, it also relied on the land reclamation Amazon increase agricultural areas in the form of modern farms specializing in agricultural crops. 
Transport [edit] 
Limited transportation system in Brazil on the roads that link the country's north and south in spite of the large number of rivers and considerable scope for rail and air space, but the industrial revolution in the era of Getulio Dorenellis Vargas made ​​the government pays much attention to transportation companies, manufacturing cars and delayed transport system across the river and trains, and Zllk time I took Brazil to expand its roads. 
Air Transport [edit] 

Brazil is considered the entrance to the first of South America and many international companies have lines and organized travel to Brazil, but the size of the state makes it difficult for international companies access to all domestic airports, which opens the door to local businesses smaller, including companies such as economic Gol, which is better and less expensive in Brazil Aviation procedure. 
Road transport [edit] 
The size of Brazil's large makes the task of opening new roads and maintenance of roads located task is difficult and expensive reason that open door allocation to private companies, some States the most crowded and began allocation methods in the era of President Fernando de Collor Mello and cost of these private companies to open roads safe, modern and maintenance versus fare paid at the gates of fees when using these methods. 
Sports [edit] 

Brazil national team in football after winning the World Cup, 1958 
Football is the main sport in Brazil. Brazilian soccer is considered the best in the world and holds the title of world champion five times and is worth mentioning that the Brazilian team football qualified for all the World Cup, and other sports also have a major interest in Brazil, such as basketball, volleyball, athletics, football Interior, among other games. 
Has already Brazil hosted many sporting events: In 1950 hosted the World Cup soccer was chosen as the country to host the World Cup in 2014 and Brazil will for the first time to organize the Olympic Games, where she won the Rio de Janeiro on October 2, 2009 nomination for the establishment of Olympic Games 2016 [218] [219] [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233] 
Figures [edit] 
There are many Brazilian personalities that have appeared throughout history and have had a global impact, such as the architect Oscar Niemeyer and inventor Santos de Monte Carlos Chagas and the world and Asvaldo Cruz At the present time shows the name of Marcos de Punts first Brazilian astronaut. 
Is considered the cradle of athletes, especially football. Pele Tangier known example in this sport. Ronaldo and Romario, Ozyko and Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, Kaka of the best players of the world. 
In the sport of Formula 1 highlights the name of Ayrton Senna, considered one of the greatest drivers in the history of Formula 1. 
The field of music and art highlights the name of Villa Lopes and Tom Jobim, actress Carmen Miranda, Chico Boariqa, Caetano Veloso is a writer Paulo Coelho of the most famous writers and novelists in the world, and at the Brazilian there is a book like Adunaas Filho. 

The Getulio Vargas political Juscelino Kubitschek and the politicians who Stroa Brazil's history in the twentieth century.